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Home to Versusville and the 202X Patch. This website is the definitive version of Kenny vs Spenny's official website, including a bunch of content, old and new.

Samurai Kenny and Samurai Spenny

Kenny: A witty wise-cracker and brilliant schemer. Kenny's a goofball looking for a shortcut. He loves to humiliate Spenny and will do anything to win.

Spenny: A stressed out, neurotic, short-fused adult-type who believes in preparation and hard work. He's responsible, often angry, introspective, paranoid and ethical.

Why do they constantly compete? No one's sure but it's a fact that they are a pathetic example of the male species! So, if you want to be like them, we suggest you immediately contact a psychiatrist.

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Click here to view the original Versusville site through Wayback Machine

DISCLAIMER: I am not affiliated with Kenny vs Spenny, Breakthrough Media, or the CBC. I'm just trying to preserve the website as it once was for modern browsers.